12 of us from New Hope Christian Church went to the McKinley Indian Mission this summer. We had 7 youth (5 high schoolers and 2 jr highers) and 5 adults go to experience an outreach to the children of the area.
Everyday, Tues Wed Thurs, we would take vans to pick up the kids from their housing developments. Then we would take them home afterwards. As you can see...their time was well spent.
On Monday and Friday of that week, we worked on Ben's house. He is the intern there..and the house was in need of scraping, scraping, more scraping and painting. Since Travis is a professional painter, this worked out great!! It was pretty hot but we went swimming one evening after a hard days work. We got the whole house scrapped and primed. We left the actual painting for the next group who had time to do it.
We also developed a relationship with the Coffmans, who run the Mission. Since this was in Yakima WA, only 2-3 hours away, we can do more service projects on long weekends and day trips! What a ministry God is working through!!