The Sharp Happenings

Saturday, July 12, 2008

CJ & Sisu playing fetch

This is my cousin David Roper and my nephew CJ Rivers. And of course Sisu the dog. CJ came up with a great way to play fetch with the dog, by attaching a rope and running with the dog.


Moving to Vancouver WA in August 08!!

Travis wrote this in May/June of this year...

'Doing What You Love
A couple of weeks after Rachel and I found out that we were expecting (in February 2008), we talked about our future in ministry. We already volunteered, at a church that we love, with the Youth Ministry. But adding a child into the mix with a job, and leading a ministry, just seemed like too much to do all of them well. We made a decision to step down from working with our Youth Group, so we could focus on our family. This was a very hard choice for me, because I loved doing it and felt God had called me to do it, but I also felt God wanting me to be a good father.

We prayed about it and I still felt God wanted me to do ministry, so I decided to put out my resume. I sent it to a few churches and began conversations with one in Vancouver, WA. About that time we found out that our baby's hearbeat had stopped beating at 17 weeks. We backed off from talks with the church for a couple weeks as we continued seeking what God wanted for us and began to heal. I still believed that God wanted me in ministry and I continued talking with the church in Vancouver. After a visit and and interview we decided that this is what God wanted for our lives.

At the beginning of August we will be moving to Vancouver to begin a new chapter in our lives. And finally, I will be doing what I love and not having to work another job. My biggest frustration with doing ministry at New Hope was never being able to put in enough time to do the job to the best of my ability. Never having enough time to invest in students, to follow up on their struggles, to adequately plan, and equipping other leaders.

It breaks my heart to leave the friends we have in the Seattle area. We have spent 13 years of our lives in this area, and 7 years at this church. It has definitely not been an easy decision, but we believe that God has His hand in all of this. '


Friday, July 11, 2008

Collman-Wagoner reception party

To celebrate their wedding of November 23, 2007, my mom Susan Waogner and Rod Collman had a party/reception on Saturaday July 5th.
Some Roper (Susan's maiden name) family came early from Tenneessee and California to visit and relax.

Rod & Susan (my mom) Collman

Jim & Nancy Lyerla, Russiel & David Roper (L to R)

David, Ron Roper, Travis Sharp, Rod Collman (L to R)

Gayle (sorry it's your backside) & Jim Roper, Marshall Kennedy, Jim & Nancy Lyerla

David Roper holding CJ Rivers, and Mollie Rivers together wetting CJ! He provoked them I am sure!!

Our lovely couple!

cake from friends at Morning Side Bakery in Port Orchard! Thank you Brad, Amanda and Sherri!!

see more incredible cakes at :

Both families, immediate and extended...

My mom and Rod did a great job, with some help from friends and family, to set up a nice place to gather by the lovely garden. I didn't get a picture of the centerpieces and party favors, but maybe someone else did??
